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Simplifying Information Governance on Atlassian

  • Content Retention Manager for Atlassian Confluence

    Allows you to quickly align your team's content retention policies to Atlassian Confluence making the task of document retention, deletion, and audit easy. Content Retention Manager focuses on helping any organization seeking to reduce risks in preserving longstanding unneeded content by automating the removal process with an audit trail that helps teams conform to frameworks such as ISO27001.

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  • Content Retention Manager for Atlassian Jira

    Allows you to quickly align your team's content retention policies to Atlassian Jira making the task of project and issue retention, deletion, and audit easy. Content Retention Manager focuses on helping any organization seeking to reduce risks in preserving longstanding unneeded content by automating the removal process with an audit trail that helps teams conform to frameworks such as ISO27001.

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